second chances 

Through all of my lessons in this life — and the INCREDIBLE growth of learning about love, how to love and be love — comes the realization that if you do truly love this person (YOU) that goes through this incredible transformation, there is an element of a second chance that is taking place.  And with that comes an incredible dedication to your NEW self — to trust your decisions, and honor the courage it took to step out of the darkness into...

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the past delivers the gift of the present

…priceless wisdom to see your future Often we hear of our “present moment” as a gift. Clever words indeed — and perhaps it is true — but really, couldn’t our past be a gift as well?  We have unwrapped it, played with it, broke it, abused it, and replaced situational batteries from time to time (as well as relationships), but THE GIFT lies in the RESULT of each of those events. GET IN ACTION: Stop and truly assess where you are now from...

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healthy communication = healthy YOU

the first component… Honest communication with YOURSELF.  There is no way you can have any kind of substantial relationship with any one else if you don’t or can’t have one with yourself. How do you know if you are being honest with yourself you may ask? If you are deeply honest with yourself, there is an inner peace that you experience. The ability to take a nice big deep breath without any difficulties or constraints. Not rationalizing when...

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well-behaved women seldom make history

Well-behaved women seldom make history.  Well-behaved women rarely make history.  Well-behaved women NEVER make history.  Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and many other famous women have parroted this phrase and those that did, lived it in its entirety.  They didn’t allow society to squander their natural ways — they lived with no blinders, no fears and, in some cases, with reckless abandon. All my life I have teetered on this fence of society and...

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the symbolism of a circle

A circle is the symbol of the sun, the earth, the universe, of wholeness, perfection, peace and unity. In Native American culture as stated by Black Elk, a holy man of the Oglala Lakota Sioux, “Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the Earth the round like a ball, and so are the stars. The wind in its greatest powers whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the...

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