Trial date rescheduled

The trail against the defendant that is being charged with taking Sydney’s life is now scheduled for May 31st, 2018.   I know, it seems so very far off but I would like to believe that is for a reason.   Perhaps Sydney has a hand in that?

All I know is that it is out of our hands and nothing can bring her back to me/us so faith comes in now BIG TIME!   Faith that good will prevail over evil, justice will be served and the “appropriate consequence” will be invoked for the incredibly poor choice that was made on that sad Christmas Eve Day.   Karma will do the rest from that point forward.

She was 21, beautiful in every way, had a plan and definitely made a difference in this world and even now…continues to do so from her seat in the clouds.

Thank you for all the continued love and support.   This is not something you simply heal from, its something you learn to incorporate into your everyday, from now until our last breaths, and not trying but FINDING ways to make some goodness from the tragedy of her loss.    She would NEVER accept simply trying!

May the Angels watch over all of you….






